
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Gown making 2010: step 4 nip and tuck

Now that the major work of the dress is done, I get to fiddle with the sleeves, the waistline (which needs to be a more sharp V-am I right?), the hips, etc. This is where I nip and tuck the dress week after week until it's as close to perfection as my Filipino designer can get it. The dress feels amazing on. It's comfortable and smooth. The coverage on my back and shoulders makes me feel confidant. I'm not nervous to bare skin but I have to admit it feels nice to be covered. I loved the dress in person but as I look at these photos, I'm a little let down. The most likely reason is that I don't look like Cameron Diaz. And that ain't never gonna happen. Poo!

Here's the progress so far:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3


  1. I think it looks absolutely amazing... the only major difference I see between your dress & the original is that the original is just a little bit tighter.... if that's possible! (and the V needs to be a little sharper)

    Love it!!!

  2. I LOVE IT!!! I looked at all of the other fabulous dresses, and they are all amazing.

    I just told my husband that I NEED to move to Manila so I can have some dresses made for me. He gave me a blank stare...
    I absolutely love getting dressed up and think that having something made for me would be fantastic.

  3. Oh, and the suit that I have is this:

    It was totally a splurge this summer, but it is my FAVORITE!

  4. You look HOT! I love it and that color is not one that everyone can pull and you are owning it.

    I don't know what this silliness about Cameron Diaz you are talking about but seriously you look fantastic. We need to chat soon.

  5. Emily-that suit is adorable. I can't pull off the little ruffle skirt though my booty is just a bit too OUT THERE. You probably have a cute little tush that looks great in the ruffles.
