
Monday, September 20, 2010

fantasy fashion

Since I am on the topic of online browsing, it's a good time to introduce (admit) my long time Internet hobby. Everyone has their "thing" online that they like to read, or search, or do. For my husband it's Metafilter and football. For me, it's putting together fantasy outfits by browsing my favorite online shops (kind of like the fashion equivalent of fantasy sports). Sometimes I look for the budget fashionista outfit, other times I go all out and put together a ridiculously pricey designer ensemble all the way down to the bangles and earrings. Most of the time it's a mixed bag. I never buy the outfits, but some of them have been pretty darn fabulous.

Anyway, it's a fun game I like to play and figured I'd share some of my creations on the blog. I'll try to post something weekly (we'll see if I get the time). I welcome all critiques on the outfits. Fashion is a personal choice but I love other perspectives. You won't hurt my feelings, I promise.

Sticking with my I-Miss-Fall theme, here's my most recent fantasy outfit:

Jacket: this one if you are on a budget and this one if money is not an issue. Take a guess which is my favorite.
Top you gotta tuck it in
Tights this is a daring pair of tights but I think they can be pulled off by someone equal parts sweetheart and moxie.
Boots: these if you are on a budget. These if you are not. I covet a pair of Frye boots.


  1. I am pretty sure this would be a cute outfit (not having seen all the pieces together) and I think you could totally rock the fox tights!

  2. That is the tough thing, not being able to see it all together. You can't virtually try anything on. It makes it a little bit more challenging.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Seriously a tad freaked out by our parallelness (that is a word, right?)parallelocity?
    You must run, do not walk, do not collect $100 to - also, how do we exchange email addresses??? :)

  5. Yes, Meredith. I have asked myself the same question about exchanging emails. Are you on facebook? Problem is that I don't use our last name on the blog for obvious reasons.

  6. And THANK YOU for the website. Like always, I am clueless about internet masterpieces like this one!
