
Monday, September 20, 2010

back to our regularly scheduled program

Okay, I am back with the babies. I know there were some disinterested grandparents out there after the last two self indulging blog posts!

Are these not the cutest little biscuits you've ever seen in a tiny little pair of Dora undies?


  1. Those fit her already? Looks as if Bella is taking after her auntie Megan figure wise!

  2. Is Bella potty training already? She does look adorable in the Dora undies!

  3. Oh no, in the evening before bath we let her run around without a diaper but after too many pee pee spots on the floor we just throw a pair of Addie's old panties on her. She loves wearing them so who knows, maybe she'll be ready to potty train earlier than Addie was! If I'm lucky, right?
