
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

heading home

Photo taken in week 6 of our 6 week stay in the States. The girls have changed so much!Our bags are packed and we are ready to head back to Manila for our final ten months of living in the Philippines. We are all sad to leave Washington; this beautiful place I called home for my entire childhood. I am so happy that my girls have been able to spend so much quality time with our family and friends who live in the Pacific Northwest. My parents have been absolutely wonderful hosts for the past 6 weeks and I know they are very sad to see us go. They are spectacular grandparents and I know my girls are building close relationships with them that will last a lifetime. We were so lucky to have had so many visits from family, my sisters, and friends. We drove across the river to play, shop, eat and be with family more times than I can count. Summer in Washington and Oregon is glorious. I am sincerely going to miss everything about being in the U.S. during the summer. In this part of the world, and the country, it is still cool at night even after a hot sunny day. Coming downstairs after a good nights rest and feeling the cool early morning breeze drift through the house and having the coffee maker percolating while I wake up is the perfect way to start the day.

Mid visit picture at Lincoln City, OregonThe girls have so many new things that are part of their memories now; filling up the kiddie pool with the hose, darting bees on the clover in the yard, getting pitch on the bottom of their feet from walking barefoot outside (always), riding a tricycle, taking a wagon ride, picking flowers, twirling in the grass, laughing at the squirrel runs across the power line, running through the sprinkler, rolling down a hill, swinging on the monkey bars, driving fast in the car (so fast they actually doze off for a car nap), and so many more things that make me feel so grateful for having my folks in Washington to visit and stay for our summers. I am lucky and my daughters are lucky.

Early visit photo taken on day two after our arrival. Six weeks is a long time in a little girl's life. Addie and Bella have grown as fast as the vegetables in Grandma and Grandpa's garden
We are going to miss everything about being here but are ready to get back to our life and home and especially Daddy in Manila.

This will be our first time flying coach around the world. I'm trying not to think about it.

1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely wonderful summer. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us. You and the girls are truly blessed. I know the trip home will seem long, but remember what awaits you.
