
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

DeNicolas with the Greats

Monday evening my Grandparents treated the entire family to DeNicola's Italian for dinner. The girls enjoyed their spaghetti and had little bites from all of our plates. Arabella devoured her food and made the biggest mess I have ever seen her make at a restaurant. I had dressed her in this adorable little yellow and white checkered seersucker dress with green ric rac trim and a big white collar. Not the best choice for this dinner since I forgot a bib and she would have torn it off even if I had brought it (as she tore off the napkin I shoved down her dress a moment after I took this photo). I spent quite some time at my Grandma's house scrubbing out the stains after dinner. Even more time scrubbing it at my Mom's house that night and the next day. Addie kept reminding me the entire evening that I was forgetting "great" when I spoke about my grandparents. How wonderful for my girls to get to know their GREAT grandparents. Bella ran around outside in her bloomers while I soaked the dress. Both girls ran circles in the beautiful yard then fell right asleep when we got back to the house. Their spaghetti full bellies helped them sleep really well that night.

Finding all the secret spots in Great Grandpa and Grandma's house.Scrubbing out the stains!Super cute recyclables

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful for the girls to meet their Great Grand Parents. Are they mom or dad's side?
