
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

sick day

Addie got a hold of some bad milk in the middle of night (correction: she woke asking for milk at midnight and I handed her the sippy cup from the fridge without checking it's freshness). At 3 AM I had vomit all over me and was changing her sheets. She wanted breakfast but that came up 15 minutes later. She spent most of the day hungry but with a tummy that wouldn't let her eat anything. She doesn't go to school on Tuesdays so it was a good day for her to relax on the couch and watch Cinderella. I had a school parent meeting to attend but to my surprise was canceled because a mandatory evacuation was announced for all of the U.S. compound when I arrived. A undetonated WWII ordinance was found during a trench dig on the construction site next to Addie's preschool. We got all the kids home and then I headed back to my sick girl and my Bella bean. Addie asked to lay in her bed at about 1:30 about the same time I got Arabella down for her afternoon nap. After a few moments of silence I checked and Addie had fallen asleep as well. She hasn't napped since she was two and a half so this was definitely unusual. She woke feeling better and the rest of the afternoon slithered by like a slow snail. Sick days are no fun.


  1. Poor Addie! I hope her belly is doing better. No more sour milk!!

  2. If she's this cute on a sick day how cute is she on a regular day?
