
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Puerto Galera

We spent two nights at Oceana resort at Puerto Galera, Mindoro this past weekend. It was Hero's Day on Friday here in the Philippines and to celebrate we were in the Jeep bright and early at 6:30 AM trying to beat the traffic to the ferry Pier in Batangas along with all the other travelers trying to get out of Luzon for the long weekend. This trip we vacationed with two friends who are divers and don't have any children of their own. We were worried about cramping their style but it ended up to be really nice having company and the girls loved them. Adelaide especially found a new friend in Rachel. The traffic going south on the expressway was nasty and the drive took longer than expected. Once at the Pier we were faced with throngs of people waiting for bonka boats. The got us on a large bonka that was overcrowded. We were squashed together for the hour long boat ride with wriggling, crying, children! I was a nervous wreck on the crowded boat, imagining the worst case scenarios over and over in my head. Fortunately everyone on the boat had a life vest so that put me at east just for a moment (a short moment). I was truly questioning my parenting decisions as we pulled away from the Pier. It was at this moment that we momentarily considered that we had made a bad decision in trying to go away this weekend. Like all our other trips in the Philippines, the travel to the destination is horrendous but when you finally arrive it's all worth it.

The Australian owner of Oceana picked us up from the small pier in Puerto Galera and drove us to the resort. It is situated on a private beach and has amazing views of the crystal blue water and densely lush mountains. Mindoro is mostly known for its trekking and diving. Since we do neither with small children we spent the two days at the resort enjoying the rocky beach, pool, and grassy vegetation. Addie became familiar with the terrain very quickly and was running all over as if she owned the place. We had a family room that allowed us to spread out a bit. Bella comfortably took her naps in the dark air conditioned room. The cabin was close enough to the pool that we could let her nap and still enjoy the sunshine. I was thrilled to have my Filipino breakfast both mornings of fried eggs, garlic rice, and longonisa (kind of like a sweet sausage). Addie downed mango shakes twice a day and Bella devoured a plate full of the mango and watermelon both days. Justin and I could sit by the pool with our banana daiquiris while Addie swam in the pool. Addie was in the pool and at the beach off and on for a good 8 or more hours on Saturday. She got a little too much sun that day but ate a ton of dinner and passed out cold that night at 7PM. The was in heaven.

It was really nice to see a different part of the Philippines since we've seen Boracay island twice before. There are tons of beautiful spots we want to see before we leave next year so we are planning our next beach weekend for May. We aren't sure where we will head this time. No matter where we go it's guaranteed to be a long trip there but spectacularly beautiful once we arrive.

The owner helping us out of the boat with our massive amounts of luggageThe boat I despise!We immediately checked out the beach.and the pool. The view was pretty spectacular.the hammock was awesome although it ended up being a swing not a napping spot for either Justin and I.Here Justin got a swift kick in the nether-regions. We joke that we may never have that third baby because Addie kicks him there so often. I still can't help but chuckle when it happens. I know, I'm terrible.Seriously cute babyview from our bungalowI was wishing I was that guy just sitting there reading his book.the eating area and front desk area of the resortAddie doing tricks in the poolI love those chubby baby thighsAddie had rocks and sand in every part of her swim suit, if we would have let Bella, she would have put every rock in her mouth.
Bella and I have the same look on our face in this shotMy favorite youngest daughterOur friends brought back the blow up duck after their dive on Saturday. Addie sang "Rubber Ducky your the one" for the rest of the afternoon.
Bella smiles like crazy when we put my glasses on her, it's the funniest thing.My sweet husband let me sleep in both mornings. He caught the sunrise on Sunday! That's like 5:45AM. He's so awesome. The girls were rearing to go early this trip. Bella was awake more than usual during the night. I don't know what I'd do without Justin. He's a great Dad!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds and looks like a great trip. You are creating wonderful memories for your girls.
