
Sunday, March 7, 2010

too excited to sleep

While Justin was away, Addie was waking early in the morning and falling back to sleep with me in bed. This morning she was up at 5AM but once I laid her down in our bed right next to her Daddy who had arrived earlier that night after she had gone to sleep, she was too excited to go back to sleep. All sorts of things started popping in her brain that she wanted to tell her Dad. She was so excited she just wiggled around snuggling with him for 30 minutes. Finally they got out of bed and I blissfully got to sleep an extra hour and a half alone in peace. Justin was in heaven with his girls all today. Addie and Bella wanted to get as much Daddy time as they could. Addie doesn't want to let Justin out of her sight for awhile when he returns from trips. We are all so excited to have him home. He came bearing Koko Black chocolates (quickly becoming my favorite chocolate next to See's). They are blissfully decadent! I had a few bites of my dark chocolate bar with orange slices and almonds. Perfection. Love the modern minimalist packaging and branding. Genius. The 74% dark chocolate with roasted Arabica coffee beans has to be my ultimate favorite. The Aussies got this chocolate right.

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