
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

new found freedom

Adelaide had a surge of confidence while watching a friend use his arm floaties in the swimming pool. Now it's all she wants to do. It's like the few weeks after you learned to ride your bike or the cross bars at school. Using her floaties is her new favorite accomplishment. I'm really proud of her. I feel more comfortable taking both girls to the pool now that I can focus on Bella. I need to be close to Addie but not holding on to her like before.


  1. Happy to see that Addie is using swimmies now! I can imagine how less stressful it is for you by yourself at the pool with the girls. Now you can relax a bit!

  2. What's with Bella and "The Face." In that picture. It is so funny when she does that. Miss you all. See you in July.
