
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

another hungry baby

Meet Manny, nicknamed after Manny Pacquiao, because this little baby boy is a fighter! Abandoned by his birth mother at 2 weeks he weighed roughly 4 pounds when his foster mother first took him home. Manny was breastfed by his mother and wasn't doing well when the orphanage switched him to formula. Luckily, this little one is now the sole recipient of my extra breast milk. After a few weeks on his new diet, Manny has gained 3 pounds, regained his healthy color and is thriving. You can tell he is staying in a very loving home in very loving arms. What a lucky little boy. Adelaide and I had the pleasure of meeting Manny yesterday when we dropped off some more frozen milk. It makes all the pumping worthwhile when I get to see the benefits in breast milk in not only my own child but other children, including Manny. He is so tiny at six weeks (smaller than both my girls were at birth) but he was so warm and snugly in my arms. I hope and pray he gets placed in a wonderful home for adoption. I would like to encourage other breast feeding mothers to consider pumping your extra milk for donation. The benefits can be seen in-person in a country like the Philippines. Manny is a good example of that. There are lots of milk banks in the States for donating milk. It makes this even harder to think about knowing how many babies could have benefited from my milk. Sometimes First World countries have so many regulations that get in the way of doing the right thing.


  1. Sara, what an amazing thing you have done! That little Manny is precious! If Carson decides to stop nursing, I will definitely look in to donating the extra milk that I will be pumping. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he will continue to nurse though...he will be the first one! Miss you guys!

  2. That has to make you feel so good! I have loads of breastmilk in my freezer that isn't going to be used. But because of places that Trey has traveled I don't think they'll accept my milk. Perhaps Manny would like it!

  3. Rachel, we should look into trying to ship it here. Dry ice would be needed and how would we know it would stay frozen. So hard!

  4. I was so sad when I saw all of that milk you dumped with Addie. That little guy is doing great with breast milk. Sometimes there are perks about living in the frontier.
