
Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Nicknames evolve with my children. Arabella is our jelly bean, our Bella bean, and just plain bean. I call her Stinkerbell sometimes. Cause, well, the name fits. She can be a total stinker sometimes. One of our favorite games to play ( I can't believe I don't have photos of it already) is jumping on the sofa cushions. The cushions are on the floor more than they are on the sofa these days. Just another plus to having embassy issued furniture, I'm not so worried about playing with sofas that ultimately aren't mine. Bella absolutely adores climbing and bouncing on the cushions. Getting to the back of the empty sofa is her mountain to climb. She goes up and down over and over and even stands at the edges of the cushions and flops herself down face first into the soft pillows. This is usually our evening activity before bath time but Bella likes it so much we've been doing it in the morning before her first nap.

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