
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

He's back!

Justin arrived home late last night and one of the first things he did was give sleeping Addie a kiss and tell her "Daddy loves you". He said she grinned in her sleep. If only we could all be two and half and blissfully in love with our Dads for just one more moment. Justin's got a good gig! Bella had a big snuggle for her Daddy this morning too when he got her out of bed. She kicks her legs and wraps her arms around your neck. It's a good way to start the day. Justin brought goodies from the States for all of us. Some gifts from Kiki and Po as well as Auntie Brienne! Everything was beyond well received. Dad brought Bella little snack puffs she nibbled away on all morning and Addie got Tinkerbell panties! I sent Justin home with a list for Target and he came back with everything AND a packet of double A batteries (which was not on the list but we needed. I love it when my man improvises with the list). Right away Addie rattled off the things she couldn't wait to put the batteries in. Her camera and the car where top on the list. She flitted around taking pictures of us all before she was off to school. I'm embarrassed to admit that I am most excited about the two packs of Goodie brand classic hair barrettes (called clippies in our house). These clips are the best around. I love the old school simplicity and the cute shapes; butterflies, cats playing the cello, ducks, dragonflies, daisies. They are the same shapes as when I was little and that's probably why I love them so much. I have vivid memories of clipping them in my Cabbage Patch doll's yarn hair.

Wow, I'm a total lame Mom now. On a nice, I-know-my-husband-loves-me note, Justin brought me home two doughnuts from Donut Shack! They were two days old and a bit worse for the wear from his cross-the-world-flights but they were damn good with a cup of coffee this morning! It was a perfect late Valentines gift, along with Chelsea Handler's book Are you there Vodka, it's me Chelsea? I've been wanting to read this because, yes, I am a Chelsea Handler fan. How can I not be when she's given me terms like "shadoobie". And quotes like this: "There are two kinds of people I don't trust: people who don't drink and people who collect stickers."I was sad when they did away with the Chelsea Handler show. The clips of her interviewing the elderly people were so funny and cute.


  1. Sara, so funny! We still get Chelsea here and Meghan is a huge fan, too. As for the barettes, so funny. We call them hair dillies! Glad your guy is home safe and sound. Miss you all. Donna

  2. Happy to hear Justin made it safe and sound! And I'm a huge fan of Chelsea Handler...she cracks me up. Let me know how the book is, maybe I'll read it!
