
Sunday, February 7, 2010

No Groundhog needed in Manila

Keeping up with Groundhog Day predictions in the States means that little famous Phil, who saw his shadow on Feb 2 indicating 6 more weeks of winter, has accurately predicted the weather for most of the Eastern corridor. Most of Phil's groundhog counterparts did not see their shadows. Way to go Phil. The 3 feet of snow in the Washington DC area backs little Phil's predictions. Thank you to all our friends and family who have sent us numerous photos of the insane snow storm! We hope our little humble abode in Arlington is weathering the snow well (thank God the installation of the new heat pump was completed just before the storm hit to keep our tenant warm).We wouldn't know much in the way of winter over here in Manila! Winter has come and gone and the summer months are on their way. The few short weeks in between winter and summer are glorious. The wind blows keeping the smog from the city and the sun starts shinning heating up the swimming pools. It's pleasant and wonderful. While our family and friends spent the weekend hunkered down in their homes blasting their pellet stoves and dreading the deep snow shoveling needed to escape their homes, we on the other hand took a dip in the pool, played at the park, and ate dinner outside at one of our favorite restaurants. We are trying to soak up the beautiful weather before it gets sweltering again. We say winter? What winter?

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