
Sunday, February 7, 2010

My name is Bella

Daddy calls me Bean...sometimes my favorite person in the whole world, Addie, calls me Bean too. I love my sister with all my heart. She is so cool, I love her fancy clothes and tiny toys. I am getting so big. Mommy says I'm growing like a bean. She complains that I don't eat my real food in the morning but just want my milk. It's so yummy, it's sweeter than mango. Sometimes Mommy huffs and puffs in the middle of the night when I wake up crying for a bottle, then she starts sniffing my hair and humming while she holds me. That's when I'm happy again. I know my Mommy loves me. My whole world is fun. I love getting big. My sister reaches out and holds my hand when we are both in our car seats. When I get bigger I want to hold her hand always. She's so cool.


  1. Cute entry! Bella is growing so fast. I hope she'll sleep through the night for you soon. I must be blessed with sleeping babies!
