
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas at Sunny Brook

We left early this morning for Cavite, Cora's village and where we planned to give out gifts to the children. It took about an hour and a half to arrive. The air turned from smoggy to clean and crisp, the scenery went from concrete jungle to real jungle full of mango and papaya trees. Amazing that we live in the tropics but never see much other than the dirty streets and buildings of Manila. The children were already starting to arrive at Cora's humble abode when we pulled up. She had a list of 35-40 kids prepared ahead of time that would receive the special bags of gifts we had prepared. Any other kids that showed up would get a little toy from the box of toys we had as extras. Thank goodness we had that box. The word went out that "the Americans were here with toys" and every child in the village came running. It was so nice to meet Cora's good friends and their children. The children who received bags from us were so thankful and had big smiles of joy. Cora's God daughter received the special baby doll I had saved for a sweet little girl. Her name is Hazel May and she stole my heart with her beautiful smile. There were just SO many children that came. So many of them Cora didn't know and once the box of toys was gone we gave out peppermint candies. When that was gone, the kids still lingered waiting for something else. It was wonderful to give the children toys that they otherwise wouldn't receive on Christmas; but it also seemed to emphasize what these sweet children DIDN'T have. Some of them could have used a good pair of shoes, a tooth brush and tooth paste, or a bottle of chewable vitamins even more than the toys. But oh how grateful they were for the toys. It was hard to tell them we didn't have any more to give and watch them all wander back to their homes.Tears didn't seem right for the occasion, even though many times I pictured giving to the children and choked up thinking about it. When we were there in the moment, tears were the wrong emotion. These children and adults were bubbling with happiness, so happy to see us and just plain happy people. The experience made me recognize just how lucky and blessed we are for our beautiful healthy children, our warm safe house, a pantry full of food, and a steady income. The basic human needs we have are met without question. As a Mom I don't worry about my child's next meal. I can't help but dwell on just how simple some Filipinos are living. No frills, very few things, living day to day, making ends meet, praying for life to continue with their basic needs being met for themselves and their families. The experience ultimately confirmed something I have known theoretically: we are all human beings but we are all living immensely different existences on this earth. Unfathomable differences until you see it in person. When I got home that afternoon I gave my girls extra long hugs and extra kisses, thanking God that for some reason my girls have so much while the children we met to day have so little. The only difference between them comes down to chance. Tonight my prayers will include all the precious little ones we encountered today. Wishing them health and happiness for Christmas and always. Beautiful girlsThe little boy in blue melted our hearts too! Such a cutie.Yaya and I handing out bags. Just enjoying their new treatsCora's neighbors. The little girl is mentally handicapped and insisted on giving Meg and I kisses to say thank you.More beautiful childrenMy heart was mushy from these sweet faces.Cora, Megan, and IThese ladies are so beautiful with their children. They love our white skin and blonde hair but I'm not sure why. Just look at them!Little Hazel May. They call her May-May


  1. Every time I visit the 3rd world, it makes me realize how grateful I am that I just so happened to be born in America. You guys are wonderful!

  2. Such an amazing experience Sara! We are all so lucky to have what we have! Enjoy your girls and your Christmas together as a family! We miss you!

  3. Your parents will be so proud (as am I). You girls are amazing!
    And I have many of the same feelings that you have - how is it my children have so, so much while others - even a mile or two from my house - have so little.
    Thank you for sharing this with us!

  4. Wow!! I wish I could have experienced that with you! The story and photos brought tears to my eyes! Love you!

  5. I just want to adopt all of those children!!!!!!!!! precious.

  6. wow! you made me cry when I read your articles.
