
Monday, December 21, 2009

19 pounds 14 ounces

Is exactly Arabella's weight right now. She's almost 8 months and is growing like crazy. Sadly, I had to take her to the pediatrician for a terrible case of diarrhea she's had for the past week. Thank goodness t's a virus and not something uglier but her poor little tummy just can't absorb her food since most of the good bacteria have been removed. Everything that goes in comes right back out. She's still her playful self for the most party. She's a bit more clingy to me but it makes sense if she's feeling yucky. We've switched her to rice cereal, starchy veggies, and bananas until her belly heals. I'm hoping soon for her case. Here she is posing with her Hokie onesie. I love how her thighs are so chubby she can't sit back on her heals all the way.

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