
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

trip to the dentist

Adelaide went to the dentist for the first time today. Dr. Hernandez was excellent; giving us lots of instruction for healthy oral hygiene (no more crunching on ice). Addie was really good and didn't cry, mostly because the dentist was so gentle and caring. I prepped her with a few YouTube videos on going to the dentist which helped (I think), or maybe it was the sticker, balloon, and bubbles she got as a treat upon leaving. I'm constantly amazed at how affordable health care is in this country. We saw a very good Western trained dentist for 600 Philippine pesos ($12 USD)! Amazing. To put it in perspective, the majority of Filipinos still can't afford health care due to poverty.

On another note I had a delicious vanilla latte today. It is the first coffee shop caffeinated drink I've had since August 2008. It tasted so good I wanted to cry (and get another one).


  1. The only good thing about going to the dentist is that they don't weigh you. Of course no worries there.

  2. What a big girl going to the dentist!! I'm glad to hear Addie did well!
