
Saturday, July 25, 2009

random stuff

Bella's first time in the exersaucer! She loves it for about 5 minutes...then not so much.
Addie can hold a conversation on the phone now. She talks to her Daddy while he's at work all the time. She even offers-up a list of things she's done that day.
Potty humor is in full force for this two year old. Walter the farting dog-hilarious! Toots in the bathtub-hysterical! Brown Playdough that looks like Lucy poop-over the top funny! We can't help but laugh with her. Farts are just plain funny!


  1. YEAH WALTER!!! Still one of my best sellers.

  2. Farts... when will you teach her to capture the gasses in little plastic bags & tie them up like presents? *wink*giggle*grin* *frickin' laughing hysterically* Oh, man, you and Katie sure got us!!! Like mother, like daughter?

  3. Amen to that! Farts are still funny at 30! Miss ya! Heather
