
Thursday, July 23, 2009

just when I thought...

I was getting on top of my life here in Manila, I find out I have an amoeba. Seriously disgusting and filthy. I feel like crap AND to get rid of this parasite I have to take a medication that forces me to pump-n-dump for the next week. I am praying that my frozen supply of breast milk will keep Bella satisfied this next week. To make matters worse, it seems as if she's on the verge of another growth spurt. I had to rush order a canister of baby formula from the States just in case my supply runs out. Oh and I have to go search out bottled water that is imported from the States because the bottled water we get here is STILL not clean enough to use for infant formula. It's times like these when I really question what I am doing in a third world country!

I'm trying to look on the bright side of this situation. That being; I can eat whatever I want this next week including: coffee, spicy Indian curry, wasabi with my sushi, all the dairy I want! I still can't drink alcohol because of the drugs but you better believe that I will be pushing the limits of my poor amoeba infested tummy with all the other things I have to give up while breastfeeding my baby girl.

Just because this post was so sad, here are some cute photos of my girls.


  1. Feel better soon! I love checking your blog and seeing your two georgous little girls. Hello to Justin and the little ones. Love and miss ya! Heather

  2. Uuuggghhh! Nothing worse then a case of amoeba. Feel better soon.
    You guys will be home before you know it.

  3. Oh Sara, you poor thing!!! That settles it, a move back to the states is in order! ;)
