
Monday, July 20, 2009

Bella speaks

I tried to capture on video how much of a talker Arabella is. She's cooing all day long (when she's awake). In this video I caught a few cute sounds but for the most part you hear Yaya in the background trying to coax her to make noise. I promise to capture a better example when I get my new camera.


  1. I just want to eat her up!! Bella is too adorable and so is her cooing!!

  2. Okay, so Bella must favor the Gunning side of the family. I have a picture of Meghan in a similar pose as Bella and there is a very strong resemblance! I will try to scan the picture and send it along to see what you think! Miss you guys - hope all is well.

    Love, Donna

  3. OMG! I am sure I heard Aunt Terry.
