
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

the stars have aligned

This FedEx package was the last (and most important) piece of the puzzle we needed in order to get back home to Manila. It finally arrived this morning! Arabella now has her passport and travel visa. Our medical clearances are complete and all three of us have a seat on a horrendously long flight to the Philippines this Thursday. I'm so glad the stars have aligned.


  1. I'm so happy for you all. I know the stress of the situation has been difficult. Happy travels. Love you all.

  2. aCongratulations!! I wish you ladies safe traveling! I'm sure Bella will be great on the plane...Riley was when we moved her to Hawaii. Good luck!

  3. Congratulations - safe travels. Love, Donna

  4. Don't you love it when things work out. You'll be a complete family again soon. Have a safe journey.

  5. I'm sad we didn't get to meet up, but very happy that prayers were answered and you're going home!!! Travel safely, m'dear. xoxo
