
Saturday, June 20, 2009

back home

We made it! The girls and I are back home with Justin in Manila. Everyone is out of sorts with the time change. Out-of-sorts doesn't really describe my exhaustion. I have never been this tired in my life. The travel from Portland to Manila was probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life, minus actually giving birth to the two munchkins who made the flights so difficult. Bella did really well, Addie was tougher to entertain. To make matters worse Bella decided she prefers breast milk from the bottle now, so I had to manage pumping on the airplane (I am now acquainted with airplane bathrooms on a whole new level-Gross)! Carting all our gear around with two kids and then a flight delay on our last leg really pushed me over the edge. When I saw my sweet husband waiting for us in Manila I couldn't help but burst into tears from sheer exhaustion and relief to finally be in his arms.
Justin and Cora greeted us at the airport. Addie was so excited to see her Daddy and Yaya. Bella immediately had smiles for both of them. Lucy got plenty of hugs from us and she appropriately peed on the floor when we got home. That's the kind of welcome home excitement I love. Justin is loving the time with his girls. It's so wonderful to be together again, even if we are all tired.

Side note: I can't believe how hot it is here in Manila. I miss the cool, crisp Washington mornings already.


  1. That top picture is priceless! Glad you all are home safely!

  2. Looks like all my good moe-joe worked.

  3. Congratulations! Glad to hear your family is safely reunited! Take it easy - you deserve a break! Love, Donna
