
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Cousin Emme

Sunday was our cousin Emme's second birthday! She and Addie have developed quite a little friendship during our three months in the northwest. It's so sweet to see them play together. Aunt Jan threw a wonderful dinner party/birthday party for the entire family. It's a treat for me every time I get to see this side of the family because it happens so infrequently. The last time Addie had seen all these faces was when she was 7 months old two Christmases ago. You'd never know the way she so quickly adopted everyone as her new best friends. She was definitely displaying her happy wild side. All my cousins took a turn holding Arabella. She was in good hands and happily was passed around most of the evening so I could enjoy good food and even better conversation. It was a top notch affair.
The Birthday GirlGrandpa and Uncle JerryThe young cousins. Addie hamming it up.The grown-up cousinsAddie and Emme at dinnerBella and I in a quiet moment

1 comment:

  1. OMG Sara, I have that exact outfit Addie's wearing. Great minds.....
    XOXO, Terry
