
Monday, June 8, 2009

Arabella at 6 weeks

Birth: 20 inches, 8 lbs 5 ounces
2 days: 20 inches, 7 lbs 15 ounces
2 weeks: 21 inches, 9 lbs. 15 ounces
6 weeks: 22 inches, 12 lbs 7 ounces

Good news is that Arabella is strong and healthy. She's off the charts for her weight and in the 90s for height. My chubby girl!

Bad news is that our pediatrician found a heart murmur in Bella's heart and we see a pediatric cardiologist on Thursday to see what kind of murmur it is with an EKG. I am confidant (given her stats she's clearly thriving) that it is an innocent murmur. None the less I am a worried Mommy. Please keep Bella in your prayers. Me too, so that I can manage this without my husband.


  1. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Bella appears to be such a healthy girl, I'm sure she'll be just fine! Love you guys!

  2. Sara- Bella, You, Justin and Addie are definitely in my thoughts. I miss you and love you.

  3. Miss Bella! I'll be praying for you little one!

  4. All positive mojo coming your way. I've got an in with the "Big Guy" . Love you.

  5. Sara,

    We are praying for a healthy heart for Bella and peace for you. Love you all - keep us posted.


  6. Hello. I'm from Manila and Filipino. I was browsing something and I came across your blog. I hope your daughter is fine and you can come back here in Philippines.
