
Friday, May 8, 2009


Yesterday Addie asked to hold Bella. She loves to give her kisses and stroke her hair. We have to remind her to be gentle, but for the most part Addie is really good with her little sister. Bella definitely recognizes Addie's voice and looks in her direction when ever Addie's in the room talking (which is most of the time now). Bella is doing very well. She's a good nurser and is sleeping 3-3.5 hour blocks at night between feedings. It doesn't sound like much but I was prepared for 2 hour blocks so I am happily taking the extra hour. Justin and I are pretty tired at the end of the day. Thank goodness for my amazing husband, who is a wonderful father. He has been soaking up Addie time during the day so I can focus on Bella. I'm not sure what I'd do without him. (I'm also not sure what Addie is going to do when Justin returns to Manila. Justin told her the other night he had to go back to work and the look on her face wasn't a happy one) In the morning and evening (like right now) he takes Bella so I can; blog, shower, eat, make lunch, etc. I'm not sure what I did to have such a loving and devoted husband. He's such a good Daddy. I love to watch him with our girls.

1 comment:

  1. You make a great team! Justin is just as lucky to have you - a wonderful mommy to his wonderful daughters. Enjoy every moment ... we miss you guys.
