
Sunday, May 10, 2009

great day for a party

Saturday we threw an early birthday party for Adelaide and combined it with an open house to welcome Arabella into the world. Family and friends joined us at my parents house for food, drink, cake, and kids. Addie was all decked out in her party outfit and when people asked her how old she was she'd promptly say "three"! It's actually her second birthday coming up on May 29th. We wanted Daddy to be here for the celebrations, hence the early party. The weather was gorgeous, 75 and not a cloud in the sky. It was so great to see friends and family that I rarely get to see anymore. It had been so long that was introducing my husband and girls to some! Addie loved all the playmates; especially her little cousins Emme and Amira. The girls ran around the yard and ate goodies all afternoon. Addie also has really taken to Emme's daddy! She hung by his side most of the party. She can sense the cool Dad vibe about him! We sang "Happy Birthday" and cut the cake I made especially for my little 2 year old princess. Bella was passed around for everyone to ooh and aah over her. She slept for most of the party. It was such a great day.

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