
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

too long

I knew when I made the decision to come to the States for Arabella's birth that the hardest part about it was going to be the separation of Addie and I from Justin before and after the birth. As the months rolled on we lamented about how horrible it was going to be. As a family we have never been separated for longer than a week here and there when Justin has a business trip. Justin has never been away from Addie for this long and vice versa. It's not fun. March 18 to April 22 is a long time and all of us are not happy about missing one another. Justin is miserable without his girls (Lucy is loving all the Justin time). Addie talks about Daddy all the time, especially at night while we say our prayers. Adding to the agony is being apart for the last few weeks before our family suddenly becomes larger with the arrival of Arabella. I am recalling lots of fond memories of Justin and I during our last few weeks as a couple before Adelaide's arrival. To put it mildly, we are making due without Daddy but it's not the same. I know Justin is wishing away the days in Manila before his travels to Washington. It will be a sweet reunion.

That being said; as I type this Justin is on a mini-adventure with some friends of ours in Bangkok and Cambodia for vacation during Holy week. He's probably on a train to the Cambodian border right now or settling into his accommodations before they go trek around temple ruins. I am thrilled for him but secretly jealous as I adjust my enormous maternity jeans over my enormous pregnant belly. There will be no mini-adventures in the near future for me. Although, I do consider being a Mom to (almost) 2 little girls a mini-adventure on a daily basis. The best adventure of my life so far.

I went through my parent's photos and found a few that were pretty sweet. I find it hard to believe that my baby is almost 2 and a new baby is almost here. I can't wait to see her.


  1. All of those pictures are adorable. It's crazy how fast they grow! I know Justin is missing his girls like crazy. Only 2 more weeks! Love you guys!

  2. Seperation is so difficult, but it teaches us what is really important in our lives.
    I just can't believe how much Lucy has grown. haha
