
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

temporary Northwesterners

Adelaide and I have been Stateside in Washington for three weeks now. We've settled into a nice routine with my parents. Addie in extremely fond of both her grandparents and loves to play with them. She's especially happy about all the outdoor playing we have been able to do here. The rain is starting again tomorrow so we will do things like go to the library, take indoor gymnastics classes, go shopping, etc. I can't tell you how happy it makes me feel to see grass stains on my daughter's jeans. It's a very strange situation to be here visiting for such a long period of time. It's not a vacation and it's not a permanent arrangement. Surprisingly, it has been easy to get comfortable in my old home with my daughter. I spent my entire childhood in this town, in this house and here I am back here for three months with my 2 year old daughter and soon a newborn.I thank my parents for making so many accommodations for us to be so comfortable. My parents, as always, have gone out of there way to keep Addie and I happy and well fed (maybe too well fed for me-according to the scale). It's been so nice to have my family's company and see my daughter enjoy her extended family she rarely gets to see. It almost makes me sad already knowing that we will have to eventually leave and say goodbye for what could be more than a year until our next visit. Such is the life of a diplomat's family.
It's also strange because our life, for right now, is across the world in East Asia. Mind boggling at times, we have actually found a comfortable way of life in Manila. Our home, our things, Lucy, our new friends, the Jeep, our routine, and most importantly Addie's Daddy and my husband are in Manila (luckily Justin gets to join us in another few weeks). It's odd to be in Washington (which really no longer feels like home to me since the last time I lived here for any length of time was before college) and have another home in Arlington, VA (the first home/life Justin and I built together), all while we are currently living and feel truly at home in, of all places, the Philippines. Sometimes I can't wrap my head around it all. I guess it's taught me that home isn't necessarily a's the people we love. Justin, Addie, and soon to be Bella are my life and home. My parents, sisters, and extended family here in Washington are home for me. Our friends and family in VA, MD, and Manila are all home for me as well.

Anyway, that was a little bit deeper than I tend to get on the blog (it must be the pregnancy hormones). We are getting along wonderfully here. Just waiting until Justin's arrival and then Arabella's arrival. Addie and I are both missing Justin so much it hurts-life just isn't the same without him. I am soaking up all the wonderful things about the great USA that we miss overseas (that's another post entirely).

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