
Sunday, April 19, 2009

frog hunt

On Friday my Dad, Adelaide, and I braved the light rain and spent some time outdoors. After hearing a loud "ribbit" we were on a serious frog hunt. Every time we got close to the bushes the frog would stop making noise and we'd have to wait and search. Addie got a kick out of looking for the froggy. Finally Grandpa caught the little tree frog in his hands. She was pretty excited to see a real frog, although I think the real thing wasn't quite what she was expecting to see. Addie now imitates the frog; hopping around the yard. She still looks in the bushes every time we are outside.

1 comment:

  1. I've just stopped laughing enough to post this comment. Ryan did the same thing as a little one and that's how she got the nickname Ybiit! She would bounce around like a frog, saying "yibbit" yibbit" and we would ask her what she was and she would say, I'm a froggy - can't you see, yibbit, yibbit! It was hysterical and oh, so cute! Enjoy these moments - they go by way too fast! Love and miss you. Donna
