
Sunday, April 19, 2009

38 weeks

There is a serious count down to Arabella's arrival going on right now. Even more of a count down until Justin arrives on Wednesday morning. I will feel so relieved when he gets here. Right now I am doing my best to keep my legs closed and not walk too much (pleading with Bella to stay put has been occurring too). Every evening I am sore from the pummeling that Bella inflicts on me from the inside. Justin can't get here any faster! Bella's waiting for her Daddy but she's not going to wait much longer. Her arrival feels eminent.


  1. Bless your heart - I feel for you. Love, Donna

  2. Goodness! Bella is ready to make her arrival! You still look great...all belly!

  3. Sara,

    You look fantastic! All Belly, seriously! Bella will be here before you know it! We can't wait to see her!
