
Thursday, January 29, 2009

sushi at home

I am a very happy pregnant lady at this very moment. I just ate a delicious sushi roll made by our helper/chef extraordinaire. My friend Sunny brought over sushi rolls the other day for our playdate made by her cook and I NEEDED more the moment I swallowed the last bite. I sent Cora to get the supplies to make our own sushi at home. Today she tried for her first time at making sushi. I am only eating vegetarian sushi right now which is fine with me. Cora made two rolls one with avocado, cucumber, and mango; the other with avocado, cucumber, and cream cheese (this one was for me since Justin hates cream cheese. He's weird, I know this. Anyway, by the time I thought to take a picture of our homemade sushi I had eaten all my roll!). I scarfed the cream cheese roll with wasabi and soy sauce. It is officially my new favorite pregnant craving. It's healthy and delicious. It's better than Ben and Jerry's ice cream cravings I guess (I have those too but they can't be fulfilled here in the Philippines). Can I tell you how much I love Cora right now (not only for the sushi but for helping me strip and clean crib bedding/clothes/lovies that were covered in diarrhea from my little girl this afternoon-but that's another post entirely)


  1. Glad to know you're enjoying healthy yummies! Poor Addie - hope she's feeling better. Love, Aunt Donna

  2. Totally random, but I wanted to tell you that TJ's yogurt got so much better!
