
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lesson learned every day

Today's lesson learned is: Don't leave breakable a glass (or anything for that matter) on top of a table cloth that can be pulled down by a curious toddler. It went something like this: I had my back turned for like half a second; Addie pulled the cloth; the glass fell and shattered at her feet; I screamed; she screamed; I swooped her up in my arms before she could move, and we went to inspect her flesh for wounds. Luckily a CareBear Band Aid was only needed for a tiny little cut on her ankle. And just like that the new word, "boo boo" was learned. It took a lot of patience for Addie to stand next to the refrigerator, and no closer, as she watched me meticulously sweep up the glass shards on the kitchen floor; but we both made it. The brownies in the oven weren't even burnt in the ordeal. Crisis one without Daddy averted rather smoothly. Justin left this evening for a week in Australia. We had a mushy farewell and then Addie and I wrapped up the evening (after our brush with danger) like any Saturday evening should be; with picture books and a glass of milk, snuggled up in bed.
Just for fun, here is a picture of Adelaide during her first finger painting session (thank you Aunt Rachel, Uncle Trey, and Riley).

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad no serious injuries!! It's crazy how quick kids can be! Looks like Addie was having fun with the finger paints. Hope they aren't too messy!!!
