
Monday, December 8, 2008

new battles

Adelaide is quickly moving into the terrible twos. She's great at throwing mini tantrums about anything from me not following her when she pulls my arm or like when I refuse to let her play with the finger nail clippers. I know it's totally normal and she's trying to assert her new found independence but it's tough to keep my patience sometimes. I'm rolling with the ignore-it tactic which seems to be working. She'll whine and wail for a few seconds then move on. I try to pick my battles carefully and unless she's asking for chocolate before dinner, a second showing of Barney, or some other unreasonable request I generally don't have a problem keeping her happy (even if it means sitting through the fourth round of taking the stickers on and off the window or pretending like my legs are her trampoline). Anyway, a new battle we have faced is trying to keep her hair out of her face and in pigtails or some other pony tail concoction. She hates it when I try to put her hair up and mostly tears it right out. Only now that her hair really needs to be put back it's kind of a problem. She looks a little messy without. Here I got her hair done for a short while, before she noticed it and rubbed her head on the carpet or pulled it all out.

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