
Monday, December 8, 2008

impulse buy

Justin and I haven't done much Christmas shopping for our daughter because luckily she has three sets of amazing Grandparents who all spoil her. One item that we decided to get for her is a little table and chair set so our coffee table won't get many more crayon stains or scratches in it. I've been eyeing this vendor at the American Women's Club Bazaar for a few months and finally bought the set last week. It was a complete impulse buy at the moment but now that's I've done it I'm really glad. The table and stools came with two large toys boxes that are all hand painted. I'll admit it's not as practical as the Little Tykes one I originally planned on getting but what's the point of having a girl if you can't splurge on a few really girly things here and there? I hope Addie likes it for Christmas.

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