
Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 2 Hong Kong Disneyland

One of the major selling points of this trip for me was that we would get to take Adelaide to Disneyland Hong Kong. I have so many great memories at Disneyland in California and couldn't wait to start making new ones with my daughter. Starting out, we hopped on the subway and rode it all the way to Disneyland on Lan Tau island. The subway system was immaculate and organized so well that we had no trouble buying our tickets and finding our way. The sun was shinning and it was a perfect day at the park. First things first, we picked up a few hot dogs to share for lunch. I was very disappointed to find out that all the vendors at the park sold Asian foods and not cinnamon and sugar churros like the parks at home. I just wanted some American food! Anyway, we filled our bellies and headed in to the park.

Fantasyland was first, where we took Addie on the Dumbo ride and the Teacups. Both classic rides. She cried when it was over and had to get off. We stood in line for Dumbo for awhile and as she watched the kids get on the ride she just kept asking "please!" begging to get on. We laughed when she finally let out with a "Pleeeeeeeeese!" in the hopes that we'd take her on the ride sooner. She got her turn and she loved it! We were pleased since her reaction could have quite as easily been the exact opposite which would have made the rest of our visit difficult. She did reject the cotton candy where the texture must have turned her off. Justin and I had no complaints and scarfed it all down like 5 year olds. It's a Small World was by far my favorite ride. I had fond memories of the ride from my younger days but since then it's been totally re-done. The entire ride is new, more colorful, elaborate, and wonderful. Addie was excited to pick Nemo out in the underwater scene. All I can imagine was that the ride was a sensory overload for our daughter, she just watched in awe with her eyes twinkling. We rode the Jungle cruise in Adventureland and Autopia in Tomorrowland. Both rides were a hit for our girl.
We just happened to be at the park when the Disney Christmas displays and shows were starting. The park was decorated beautifully for the holidays. Elves were walking around, the Christmas tree on Main Street was enormous and festive, Christmas carols were playing. After dinner we staked out a good seat for the "Let It Snow" Disney Christmas parade down Main Street. Addie bopped to the music and pointed at all the floats. She wasn't fond of the life-size characters up close but from afar she tolerated them. We tried to get her to take a picture with Pumba from the Lion King and she adamantly said "no". The parade was impressive, Justin and I enjoyed it just as much as Addie. We watched them light Sleeping Beauty's Castle with Christmas lights and fireworks. On Main Street we stood for the periodic "snow" (foam) that spewed from the tops of the buildings. The whole experience put us in the Christmas spirit. Disneyland Hong Kong was a little piece of Americana in Asia that we needed. It was a day we will never forget.


  1. I remember taking Meghan on the It's a Small World Ride in California - she was about Addie's age - what a terrific memory! Sounds like you all had a great time. We miss you ... Aunt Donna

  2. Sara- It looks like you all had a lot of fun. Disneyland looked just like the one in CA. I am glad you had a blast and that Addie enjoyed the rides and parades so much. . I missed ssing you all but I know you had another adventure of a lifetime. I'll call later and you can tell me more. Love ya.

  3. Sounds like a blast! The pictures are great, looks like a load of fun! I can't wait to take Riley to Disney World one day. s
