
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day 2 Hong Kong (part 1)

We awoke excited about the exploring we had ahead of us. To our excitement the weather forecasted in Hong Kong for our weekend was nice and cool (sunny with highs in the 70s and lows in the high 50s). We happily donned our sweatshirts, jeans, and closed toed shoes. Oh how I missed my Patagonia. The locals were bundled up in full-on winter gear which we had to chuckle about.
First off on our journey was a little bakery around the corner from our hotel which made the most delicious sweet bread raisin twist things. They were hot and buttery and yummy! This bakery became our go-to for the weekend. We decided to explore the streets just surrounding out hotel. We walked the dried seafood street and the ginseng street. Justin navigated us to Western Market which was, of course, closed. We quickly learned that Hong Kong is a city that wakes up late and stays up late (kind of like Paris). Many shops didn't open until 9 or 10 AM. Behind our hotel, a beautiful park with a children's playground was conveniently located. We treated Addie to a little playtime this morning before her nap. Once again she made an international friend, well actually the little boy followed HER around. Addie wanted a little space on her new playground toy but the little boy was pretty excited about our daughter. The park had really neat areas were fan dances were going on and some of the older Chinese men and women were exercising and practicing Tai Chi. The park was clean and the air smelled fresh (luxuries we don't have in Manila). Already, we were in love with Hong Kong. After some fresh air we all went back to our little hotel room and allowed Addie a nap before our big afternoon/evening at Disneyland!

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