
Monday, September 1, 2008

A week in Honolulu

We have returned from our week in Honolulu, Hawaii with a few more long flights with a 15 month old under our belt. We're a bit jet legged and tired but it was one of those great vacations that makes all the tiredness, dirty laundry, and post-vacation blues worth it.

Lucky for us Justin had a conference in Honolulu which just happens to be where my sister-in-law, Rachel; her husband, Trey; and their daughter, Riley live. We'd been planning to go as a family for months and were excited when the week finally arrived. The visit was even better because we convinced my mother-in-law (also known as Kiki) to come for the week too.
All week we played at the beach, ate good American food (some home cooked and some not), visited with family, and just relaxed. Justin had to work during the weekdays but on more than one occasion the conference let out early and we got to spend the afternoon as a family.
After only spending 4 months in Manila I am surprised by how glorious it felt to be back in the States. The air was clean, we blended in, used our debit cards, and there was a Nordstrom! It felt like coming home, and this is only after 4 months. Maybe the honeymoon is over now.

It will take me a few posts to get all the great pictures up so you might be in for some reading.

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