
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

new games

I was messing around with the settings on my camera while Addie played with Lucy yesterday afternoon. She put Lucy's ball in her purse and then ran to get Lucy to chase her. She ran in and out of the kitchen and around the sofas with Lucy in trail. Eventually Lucy would forget that her ball was in Addie's bag so once in a while I'd open Addie's bag to remind Lucy where the ball was. This went on for a good 20-30 minutes. Finally Lucy got clever and pawed at the bag until she got her nose inside. This resulted in the purse getting stuck on Lucy's head which produced fits and fits of giggles from Addie. The rest of the pictures are just for fun. Addie is so conditioned to the camera that she blinks whenever she sees it, before I even take the picture.

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