
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Daddy's little Ewok

After a busy day we relaxed at home this evening before Addie's bath time. Justin put on her Star Wars t-shirt and just left her in her diaper. It brought back memories from last October when I went back to work and Justin stayed home with Addie for his paternity leave. I'd come home from work and Addie would just be hanging out in her diaper and a t-shirt. Most often this one. Funny that at 4 months she could wear this and at 16 months she can still wear it. I think it fits her properly now though.


  1. That is the cutest shirt ever! I love the top picture of Addie. She is absolutely adorable!

  2. I still wear T-shirts and underware. The look is truly timeless. Addie's 2nd photo looks like she's Ewok and Rolling.
    XOXOXO, Terry
