
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Baby #2

Yep, you read it right we are pregnant again! Due May 1, 2009. Addie was affectionately nicknamed Hokie Bird because we didn't find out the sex before birth so this new little edition is going to be lovingly called Hokie Bird 2. Anyway, Hokie Bird 2 is 9 weeks along and has a strong fast heart beat according to my doctor. On the sonogram today not only did we get to see the little heart beating but also watched him/her wiggle around a little. It's just amazing and has calmed so many of my worries. I've been a tad consumed with exhaustion and nausea let alone the fact that one moment a apple will look delicious to me, the next it makes me want to vomit. The joys of early pregnancy! The good news is that all this tough stuff disappeared after week 12 with Addie so God willing, I will feel more like myself in three weeks or so.

Beyond all that Justin is just giddy with excitement. I think the husbands get to focus on the excitement so much earlier because they don't anxiously wait for the sonograms with the heartbeat and have to deal with all the pregnancy symptoms. Justin can't stop smiling and smothering me with sweet nothings about how amazing I am to be carrying his baby...again! I'm so lucky. Addie is clueless as of now, and will probably be too young to completely understand the implications of the baby in Mommy's belly arriving come May. Besides that, she is going to be a great big sister if the adoration she had for her cousin Riley is any indication of how she will be with her little brother or sister. It's all very exciting for us.

And if this isn't too many details yet I've attached the sonogram pictures!


  1. Yeah!! I'm so glad to see the sonogram pics! I've been waiting to see my new niece/nephew! And I'm confident with the love Addie showed Riley, she'll be a great big sister!! I love you guys!

  2. Sara,

    What exciting news!!! Congrates to you all and don't forget, the name Terry works for both boy or girl:0

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! We are so happy for you all! Addie will be a great big sister! Love, Donna

  4. Yeah for Sara and Justin, and addie! I pray that everything is well and that this next baby will know how much they are loved!I love you all,
    If you want to know what your littlest sister has been up to, check out my blog...
