
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Raggedy Ann and Andy

Addie's amazingly talented Great Aunt Mary K made this adorable Raggedy Ann and Andy set for her. In my family it's practically sacrilege to grow up without a set of the nostalgic duo. The story of Raggedy Ann and Andy is pretty interesting. Johnny Gruelle created the characters in 1915 for his daughter who later died after receiving a vaccination for smallpox at school without her parent's consent. It's thought that her death was actually due to a heart defect but her father became an opponent to vaccinations none-the-less. The Raggedy Ann doll became the symbol for the anti-vaccination movement. Along with their political agenda, the character and her brother Andy are featured in many fantastical story books for children. They became a very famous brother-sister duo. Growing up I had a big Raggedy Andy doll who followed me to the hospital to keep me company during my hernia surgery at age 4. Because of that I think I always connected the doll with illness and healing. My Raggedy Ann even sported a Band-Aid. Funny that years later I discover the character did, in fact, have connections with medicine back in the day.
Anyway, now Addie has a set for herself. They are beautifully detailed and I checked-and YES they do have the characteristic little "I love you" hearts stitched on their chests just like the originals. Thank you Aunt Mary.

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