
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

new toys

My parents sent a great load of packages of goodies from their trip to New Zealand and some new toys for Addie. We miss Trader Joes so much so now we have a few of our favorites to hold us over (I heart Joe Joes!). Addie has always been fascinated with the vacuum cleaner. Even when she tiny she's just sit in her exersaucer and watch me vacuum with unfaltering interest. Now she follows Cora around the room while she's vacuuming and helps her roll it back into the pantry when she's done. Addie's Grandma got smart and sent her a mini vacuum. It even sounds real. Along with the new children's vacuum Addie got a little pull dog, a Leap-top, and a pop corn popper-oh and stacks of books. We are about ready to open a children's library with all the books this girl has. You can never have enough books! Right now Addie's pretty content playing with her new things. What a lucky girl.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!!!

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