
Monday, August 4, 2008

only in Manila

There are lots of things that happen in a developing country that you shake your head at. One example is the memo we received under our door on Sunday informing us that our power would be shut off for six hours a day for the entire next week so they could complete repairs on the building's power center. The generator would be unavailable for use as well. Myself and other frustrated Moms with small kids who stay at home during the day expressed our concerns with not having "air con" or our refrigerators or the ability to cook dinner (or rather, have our help cook dinner). Very irritating. So we cranked the air con down to a chilly 17 degrees Celsius to cool down the house in preparation for the power outage on Monday morning. Here you can see Addie in her jacket. I had to take a picture since it could be one of the only times she'll get to wear it while we are in the Philippines. Turns out the property management office decided to postpone the power center maintenance until Thursday so we get endure the inconvenience later this week and part of the next instead. Joy!

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