
Monday, August 4, 2008

growing girl

Addie has grown a lot in the last month or two. Her stats at her 13 month check-up (we were late for her 12 month check-up) was 24 lbs and 31 inches. 95% for height and 75% for weight. Our chubby baby is thinning out. She's also grown out of her shoes. Her grandparents bought her adorable Crocs before we left and now she's toddling around in them.

The bottles have been put away now for a month or more, she's eating everything we eat with the exception of things which are too spicy or contain nuts. Her favorites right now are asparagus, graham crackers, rice, cheese, and olives. Addie is giving kisses. Not only to her Mom and Dad but to Lucy, her dolls, and pictures in photo albums. She dances to any music that is playing and hums along when we sing. She's climbing on and off chairs, sofas, beds, boxes, etc. She stacks blocks and is grasping lots of other basic games with her toys. She says Mama, Dada, Lucy (doesn't sound like Lucy but we know what it means), and bye-bye. Last week she had "up" mastered but she refuses now to say it. She's just stubborn. She goes to the refrigerator when she's thirsty and the pantry when she's hungry. She loves the laptop and pushes all the butons (see picture). She's really growing up before our eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Addie is getting so big! I love seeing her on skype. Her reaction to Riley crying is so funny! I can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!!
