
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Adelaide!

This morning I whispered "Happy Birthday" to Addie while she was still snoozing away in the early morning. I hope every May 29th Justin and I get the be the first people to wish our daughter a happy birthday just as we welcomed her into this world last year on this day. It's sad seeing the baby leaving my daughter but exciting to see the toddler and little girl take hold. I have loved this child with my whole heart and soul since she was conceived and it amazes me that I love her more and more with every passing day. She makes me so proud. I couldn't help but stare as Addie sat on the floor with her little bowl of Cheerios and her lovey, watching cartoons this morning. I was thinking, "this beautiful little girl is mine, how did I get so lucky to be the one to raise her and watch her grow." Addie doesn't know it, but every one of her birthdays is her gift to me.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday addie~
    I miss you and love you and wish i could be there to hear your super cute laugh! Your mommy and daddy love you very much and so does Aunty Emily! Don't grow up too fast...
    Love Emily
