
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Addie's First Birthday Party

We celebrated Addie's birthday by having cake and ice cream with a few of our new friends. It made me long for our friends and family back home. We miss everyone so much. The birthday girl enjoyed the balloons, cake, presents, and friends. My favorite part of the day was seeing her face light up when she spotted the streamers I had hung during one of her naps. Pure joy swept across her face. It was a wonderful little celebration. Addie was abnormally shy during her "Happy Birthday" serenade but she perked up when the big slice cake was placed in front of her. There was no hesitation, she dove right in. Addie received some very thoughtful gifts. The first gift she opened was a little baby doll from her west coast Grandma and Grandpa. She didn't want to put it down to open the next gift. That doll stuck with her the whole evening, it even went to bed with her last night. Thank you to everyone who sent gifts and cards. Addie loved everything. It was a big day for our little one-year-old.

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