
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Favorite things

Addie's taken to her stuffed animals lately. We have them all lined up on a bookcase and every time we go in that room she grabs a few off the shelves. At the end of every day the shelves are empty and we line all the animals back up for the next day. Right now she is especially in love with her first doll and a pink handmade bear that her Great Aunt Mary made for her. Other favorite things worth noting are some new favorites for meals. Addie loves spaghetti, olives, black beans, water melon, cheese, Cheerios's, apples, honey Teddy Grahams, and anything that Justin and I are eating. We call her a moocher now. I'm proud to say that she's eating whatever we eat for dinner. The other night she had broccoli and asparagus. I wouldn't say they are her favorites but she ate them. Interestingly though she is the only kid I know who doesn't like bananas or pancakes.

Another favorite thing that has been a constant is Lucy. Addie adores Lucy and now plays with her by holding out the ball and letting Lucy grab it. It never fails to make her giggle.

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