
Friday, February 15, 2008

this is for real

Our soon approaching move to Manila feels suddenly very "real" now that I have two sore arms and had to rip off three Band-aids from vaccinations I received today. Nothing like a little pain to make the enormity of moving overseas a reality. In all honesty, it's very exciting-and scary at the same time. I felt a bit more at ease after I grilled the nurse about Typhoid fever, Dengue fever, Malaria, Rabies, and a few other nasty diseases that we don't give a second thought to here in the States. In the Philippines these are very real worries and concerns. I have a long list of vaccinations yet to get before we leave and even a few that I will receive later in Manila. The real worry of mine is protecting my daughter who is too young still to receive the large array of immunizations that adults get. I hope family is ready to ship us bug spray and citronella candles.

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