
Thursday, February 14, 2008

be mine

Valentines Day started in a very good way this morning. As I nuzzled Addie in my arms while she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, Justin presented me with three cards and a little red box. The cards were Valentines of course. One each from my husband, my daughter, and my dog. The box contained a gorgeous silver bracelet with pink hued gemstones. My husband has always had great taste in jewelry but this was beyond great. He really won points with this gift. When Justin got home he was greeted with a big Belgian ale and a Valentine. Dinner was delicious thanks to Whole Foods deli. The peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream was the best part. Addie tried watermelon tonight which proved a bit tough to mash with her gums. We discovered her top front right tooth has emerged! Justin and I had to wait until Addie went to bed to enjoy the candle lit dinner. I guess this is how married couples with kids celebrate Valentines Day. Not too shabby.

1 comment:

  1. Soo cool. Sounds like you both had a great time. The bracelet is very pretty, just your style. Love you
