
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday highlight: blue balloon

Addie and I had a busy day today. Justin is traveling so I ventured out to run errands with my baby girl. She had her first trip to Trader Joes which went really well. She sat in the front of the shopping cart and played with her toys and watched the people go by. We even got a balloon which made her eyes sparkle. I can't believe we are at the balloon stage already. She stared and stared and reached for the bright blue balloon. It's definitely more work to run errands with a baby in tow but we had fun together. We received lots of friendly glances and even met a nice little boy (about 4) and his Dad. The boy told us he loved watching babies, and that we should come over sometime and see. His Dad explained that they babysat a friend's baby a few days a week. For a moment I thought it might have been a very clever pick-up line constructed by the father that he uses on young Mom's in the super market. Who knows, if it was, it was pretty unique. The sun graced us with it's presence today. We took a walk with Lucy that was by far more enjoyable for Addie and Lucy than for me. I lugged Addie on my hip as she stretched herself and leaned every which way to make sure she could keep her eye on Lucy, while the mutt wrapped the leash around my legs and got caught on the wrong side of a few bushes. For the rest of the evening we are going to stay in and play. I'm looking forward to an easy dinner and some quiet time after Addie goes down watching Miss Austen Regrets from The Complete Jane Austen on The Masterpiece Theatre. It really is about the simple things in life.

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